Bringing Clean Water to Children and Villagers

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Total of

Rs. 4,000,000


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% funded


Rs. 0



% completed

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An uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water is needed for the villagers of Kirimetiyawa in Puttalam at a cost of Rs. 4,000,000/-.

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Residents of Kirimetiyawa, Students of Nawagaththegama Maha Vidyalaya as well as Patients and Staff at Nawagaththegama Divisional Hospital are experiencing an epidemic of Chronic Kidney Diseases and other water borne illnesses due to their contaminated water supply.


Kirimetiyawa village is located in the Nawagaththegama area of the Puttalam District. The village is home to more than 400 families. The people of Kirimetiyawa face the difficult choice between drinking contaminated water or purchasing water at exorbitant costs, which puts an additional financial burden on already struggling families. Nawagaththegama Maha Vidyalaya, the local village school, has more than 500 enrolled students. The Nawagaththegama Divisional Hospital, located nearby, treats around 250-300 patients daily in the OPD and up to 200 others who are admitted for longer term care. Both of these public institutions are unable to provide clean drinking water to those under their care.


Installation of an RO Plant in the village of Kirimetiyawa. Install Water Storage and Distribution Station situated in the Kirimetiyawa Village which will provide the residents of Kirimetiyawa and neighboring villages, Students of Nawagaththegama Maha Vidyalaya as well as patients and staff of Nawagaththegama Divisional Hospital have access to clean drinking water free of harmful pollutants. Further, will reduced incidence rate of water borne illnesses in the population. Moreover, we will introduce a preventive and periodic maintenance plan to ensure project longevity by forming a Gammadda Saviya.

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