Total of
Development progress
Sindathri Matha primary school in Kalpitiya was severly lacking facilities- including classroom space to accomodate it's 490 students. This school is home to more than 490 students at any time. Most students are from poor fishing communities. Gammadda assisted with the construction of two school buildings with 7 classrooms including an office room and development of the playground.
Sindhathrimata Primary School in Kalpitiya was serving 500 students. However the facilities at the school were severely lacking. There was limited classroom space available for the children- and what classrooms were available were temporary structures with palm thatched roofing. The children were exposed to the elements during classhours- severely hampering their ability to learn. Furthermore the children were at risk of developing illnesses as a result of continuously being exposed to rain.
A classroom complex including construction of two school buildings with 7 classrooms including an office room and development of the playground for the 500 students studying at the Sindhathrimatha Primary school in Kalpitiya was completed by the Gammadda Initiative. This project continues to benefit the community today and will continue to do so in the future.