The Track 05, Karuwalagaswewa village is located under the Galgamuwa Divisional Secretariat in the Kurunagala district. More than 365 families call it home. Their main source of income is through either farming or daily wage laboring. Currently, many CKD patience are undergoing treatment and few others have already died.
Villagers of Kaluwaragaswewa have got to travel a distance of about 10 Km's daily either by foot of by tractor. Some of the villagers use well water from the neighboring houses. However, this water was found unfit to be consumed due to its high levels of mineral contaminations.
The installation of a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purification plant will benefit the villagers of Track 05 Karuwalagaswewa in Galgamuwa and the surrounding villages as well.
The project commenced today (the 22nd of April 2022) at 11am. Gammadda hopes to complete and vest the project to the public within a period of 40 days.